Home Artists Aidan Magical Girl Lyrical Usagi

Magical Girl Lyrical Usagi

Tags: Usagi, Minako, Cosplay Magical Lyrical Nanoha, Testarosa,

17 September 2015
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  • Aidan: <strong>Hi Zoomer sorry for the late reply, which request are you talking about, is it The sailor Mercury one? please let me know</strong>
    3 Oct 2015 08:49
  • Zoomer: You wrong in many ways My unfulfilled request did not including any high-heels-tan-lines-fetishes but Aidan delete it from queue list and this make me very mad because I was absolutely sured this week he'll be draw it finally WTF is Aidan ? If you want delete some requests from queue-list then maybe you should do it with requests from members who already got few like Spike1941 Aqua Blackey xxxLover Veltis Halibelxxx etc ?
    23 Sep 2015 03:16
  • Cyborg: Aidan You know but together with all May's requests you deleted a two missed/skipped requests Seems my words Sailormoonpixxx is the only one site where members may be sure that their requests will be fulfilled doesn’t matter what ! is not supposed to be a truth Now I feels yourself ashamed
    22 Sep 2015 21:34
  • Cyborg: Oh great you are a new here and the first what you doing that start to push artist and teach him how he must do, And after this you call other people as trolls, really ? by the way special for you In this month Aidan got 39 requests from members This is the best proof that Aidan everything do right Sorry pal but leave you fanfics "Sailormoonpixxx losing members because artist bad working with members requests!" for yourself because members keep interesting and supporting this site doesn't matte...
    r what
    22 Sep 2015 21:29
  • Cyborg: I don't get why newcomers like you and darkskinlover18 starting complains about skipped requests here especially when Aidan almost didn't skipped any requests for May In fact Darwin and Lexus skip and ignore a ton requests (just check their queue-lists) to favoure others (just check comments section on their sites) and i say that because i’m a member and i saw the huge amount of requests he fulfilled strictly by "the first post be served first" method and he don’t even care about that jerks wh...
    s who try push him ignore requests from others members just keep ignoring Sailormoonpixxx is the only one site where members may be sure that their requests will be fulfilled doesn't matter what because Aidan cares about all requests from all members while Darwin and Lexus already skipped and ignored a many dozens or even hundreds requests to satisfy a small group of members who regularly make requests then they start to whining then artists make their requests then happy members dissapear but on their place comes another members who doing exactly in the same way Thanks for god that such artists as Aidan still exist have an ounce of respect with all their customers reither Darwin and lexus who cares about the most annoying and asslickers members
    22 Sep 2015 21:16
  • Cyborg: I don't get why newcomers like you and darkskinlover18 starting complains about skipped requests here especially when Aidan almost didn't skipped any requests for May In fact Darwin and Lexus skip and ignore a ton requests (just check their queue-lists) to favoure others (just check comments section on their sites) and i say that because i’m a member and i saw the huge amount of requests he fulfilled strictly by "the first post be served first" method and he don’t even care about that jerks wh...
    s who try push him ignore requests from others members just keep ignoring Sailormoonpixxx is the only one site where members may be sure that their requests will be fulfilled doesn't matter what because Aidan cares about all requests from all members while Darwin and Lexus already skipped and ignored a many dozens or even hundreds requests to satisfy a small group of members who regularly make requests then they start to whining then artists make their requests then happy members dissapear but on their place comes another members who doing exactly in the same way Thanks for god that such artists as Aidan still exist have an ounce of respect with all their customers reither Darwin and lexus who cares mostly about the most annoying and asslickering members
    22 Sep 2015 21:16
  • Cyborg: @ darkskinlover18 Stop talking the bullshit Aidan didn't skipped requests from ‘Master.G’, ‘mewtwo’ and many others all they still waiting on their turn and this only their problems that they haven't patience and simple begging to get their requests sooner than others and that's all !!!
    22 Sep 2015 21:13
  • darkskinlover18: Now we know why he's been skipping/ignoring requests, because he preffer to follow the trolls and flamer ''high-heels-tanline=edwadnewgate'' and lose the members than to do his job and fulfill the requests he's asked and to keep the members. And i bet 90% of the requests he skipped was because the requester asked for 'high-heels-tanlines fetishes'.
    22 Sep 2015 20:50
  • Aidan: <strong>we've told that to our manager, thanks for the suggestion, hope they approve it, you guys can help by mailing the support, i guess</strong>
    22 Sep 2015 20:24
  • Aidan: <strong>I've been thinking a lot lately, and I'm just having a hard time fixing the request because I have already flatten the image, i will try to fix it one last time, expect it by monday</strong>
    22 Sep 2015 20:22
  • Aidan: <strong>NO..I just don’t delete old requests yet (very busy) that’s why it look like i still have requests from older dates, but did you even bother to check because they’re all done as far as I’m concern, anyway I had someone sort the request out, you won’t see old request anymore in the queue, I just had to rearrange some uploads so that you won’t see the same character consecutively</strong>
    22 Sep 2015 20:11
  • Aidan: <strong>NO..I just don’t delete old requests yet (very busy) that’s why it look like i still have requests from older dates, but did you even bother to check because they’re all done as far as I’m concern, anyway I had someone sort the request out, you won’t see old request anymore in the queue, I just had to rearrange some uploads so that you won’t see the same character consecutively</strong>
    22 Sep 2015 20:10
  • Aidan: <strong>NO..I just don't delete old requests yet (very busy) that's why it look like i still have requests from older dates, but did you even bother to check because they're all done as far as I'm concern, anyway I had someone sort the request out, you won't see old request anymore in the queue, I just had to rearrange some uploads so that you won't see the same character consecutively</strong>
    22 Sep 2015 20:08
  • darkskinlover18: They are not here doing 'drama' or begging for their requests Aidan skipped because they know it would be a waste of time just like happend to 'Master.G', 'mewtwo' and many others. They already lost hope to see their requests made and just forgot about them. This is why you see the endless 'Thanks' on every pic updated by Aidan. They are all gone and probably never comming back what is real sad to see happening to the sites. Luckly we've got a few artists trying to fix that like Darwin, Lexus...
    and Joe.
    21 Sep 2015 18:25
  • Sailor X: Thank you Aidan for another glorious awesome Art They looks so good together in these outfit Thank you again
    21 Sep 2015 12:25
  • Cyborg: Hey pal this is very hard to respect someone who's a quite selfish and don't see nobody around, who thinking that he's better than others and everyone around must give him a privileged status here and who start doing like little kid when people do not acknowledge his VIP status Special for you and your friends I checked and what we got - Master.G did his request 2015-06-08 when your friend mewtwo did on 2015-06-09 Aidan only started work with June requests and those members; Konichiva HentaiFa...
    n Aqua newuser9965 BlackSwordNyx Dackota WARlord Peliazul Zoey Gladiator Manmademike Nanoha Henty came here and asked their requests sooner than Master.G and mewtwo, they wait a bit longer than your friends but they don't do like a drama queen ( some of those guys already got one request done yet but there is others members they’ve pending requests old that never was done) By the way there is a two requests from May that Aidan truly skipped from Mario and Zoomer, those guys really have serious reasons to start complains that their requests were not only skipped but as well ignored, when yours very vocal and annoying friends just do not want wait in the turn as everyone and want get exclusive service from Aidan, that's all And now tell me why requests from your friends is so special and must done sooner than others ? And if he'll be give the special treatment to Master G and mewtwo ideas then how many your friends yet gonna come here after to start bitching and kindly reminding Aidan to make their requests and ignore others members as it going on all sites right now ?
    21 Sep 2015 07:02
  • UzumakiFan: @Cyborg, hey pal how about some respect to the other members? the guy didn't said or did anything to hurt ya buddy so please don't act like that insulting other people members or non-members. I'm not here to take sides or defend or accuse anybody or to say who's right or wrong. And I'll not keep entertaining this kind of comment like Aidan said once, because usually it begins with one, then the other and other and when we realize the 'chaos' has began and is everybody fighting each other on endl...
    ess discussions and I'll not be part of it and for Aidan's own sake I suggest not replying to this kind of comment that harassing member/artist. Now to Cyborg again, I don't know if you are member but if you are please check the 'queue list' and type 'Master.G' and 'mewtwo'(those are just the begining) and you'll note they've pending requests OLD that never was done, even after BOTH members comes here to remind the artist, meaning...their requests were not only skipped but as well ignored(if they don't call this ignoring I don't know how they call then). And they got no weeks, they got MONTHS waiting (in Master.G's case). But...to not extend more and more and make this a looooooooong post I'll just say this... Aidan you need to review the way you treat the members and how you schedule your requests man, before they stop dropping their requests for you. You like Lexus right? follow his exemple of how NICE him and Joe treat the members/non-members including those they skipped a request and you'll make your site as good and active their. because comments section for SMpixxx is 'undead' lol XD. Remember your work is to attract customers and not to make them move away.
    21 Sep 2015 01:22
  • Malakyas: And i agree he should be more worried about fulfill the tons of requests he skipped In fact Aidan and Rex love skip and ignore members requests to favoure others and i say that because i'm a member and i saw the huge amount of requests he ignored for the new ones and he don't even care about that just keep ignoring The only artists who do not skip requests and if they do we just have to ask again and they will do are Lexus, Darwin, Robert and Yaichi all others does not have an ounce of res...
    pect with their customers
    21 Sep 2015 00:28
  • Cyborg: How about shut up and just wait your turn ? How about check the to see that a lot members make their requests sooner than you. especially when your request will be done to the near weeks? How about stop to push artist to make your request and ignore others members ? You said that many requests from alot members been skipped but everyone who can see queue-list, may confirm your words is total bullshit ! Aidan doing the great job to fulfilling all requests from all members without any exceptions...
    and your requests be done too but first he must do requests from members which requests came before your By the way for last week Aidan got a lot cosplay/halloween requests so how you can see people keep comes here to ask him such requests and nobody doesn't cares he did your request or not so stop whining like if Aidan keep ignore your request then all members gonna stop make requests here, You are not that special important one as you imagined yourself
    20 Sep 2015 21:04
  • Deathstroke: Well i have no complaint about this site because i do not have any request here, just submited mine for halloween and let's see how it goes. I even left a comment that wasn't approved but that is not a problem as long as the artist here Aidan is able to read is all good he don't even have to reply that. But the only thing he will get by ignoring or skipping members requests (due or not the trolls comments) is less and less members to request here forward. Specially now with the member name lo...
    ck that make people to buy 'multiaccount' if they want to request on different names which means more money to the site. If Aidan thinks worth losing HK customers thanks to the troll comments be my guest. I've droped my halloween request to you it's probably my very first request for this blog.
    20 Sep 2015 20:56
  • UzumakiFan: Well a promisse is a promisse and I'm a man of word even you not replying my previous comment I'll leave my request here to you for Halloween. And one more thing ragardless what happend to my friends (newuser and mewtwo) here or on the other sites even with ME it's their business not mine but we are friends in real. If I leave my request for halloween and it not be made I'll forget there is a Sailormoonpixxx.
    20 Sep 2015 18:24
  • Master.G: You can't even fulfill the requests you've skiped for alot members how do you expect new or more members comes here to ask you cosplay/halloween request? you completely ignored my request Aidan i'll tell you this. Do not bother with my request for this site anymore DELETE it from you Queue List because i'll delete Sailormoonpixxx from my List of site too. And for those who are thinking to subscribe and drop any request for this site i suggest thinking twice before do.
    20 Sep 2015 17:59
  • Lemon: It's was really long time ago when I watched Magical Lyrical Nanoha anime PS Thank you very much Aidan for the upcoming Halloween on Sailormoonpixxx but how we can see you can drawing such cosplay/crossover pics for a whole year
    20 Sep 2015 11:10
  • Deathstroke: Hey nice to meet you Aidan, well i noted those last comments and i've checked the queue list for this site so i decided to come here and leave my comment. But i'm NOT here to tell or teach you how to work or to defend and to say who is right and who is wrong man, please allow me to tell you something... I think you should do your request by date, the oldest to newest, but doing one or another new to prevent you suggestion box get spamed/filled won't hurt as well, but always prioritizing the...
    old ones. I also think that should have a break between months (that's up to you) untill you to accept requests from the same member again, this is fair enough for everyone and also to avoid favoritism and complaint. If you check other sites, bleach, naruto, one piece etc, you will note that when the artists realize they've skipped or forgot to draw one member request and this one is complaing or remiding some time after they have their requets made. But to try to keep this post short just a few more stuff, if you see you've skipped one request for someone or this request is delayed 2-3-5 more months try to accept it man, according to the site rules and REGARDLESS what other members/trolls says. The only thing you will get by skipping or ignoring one member request for whatever reason is one less member to request and support the site you are currently working and unsatisfied 'customers'. This is my friendly advice as a customer/member and friend in the end of the day you are the one who will judge what is better for you. Just think about these things i've said and take your decisions wisely. Apologies for the long post, feel free to answer or not thank you by reading and have a good day. Just one more thing, try to give more attention to consistent members who are still supporting the site and answer when you can this is the best way to attract new and more members and as well keep your site popularity high. It's not hard to say by the 'large' number of comments on your pictures from members, non-members that sailormoonpixxx has a very small number of active and loyal members talking :).
    18 Sep 2015 16:38
  • UzumakiFan: A HUGE THAAAAANK YOUUUU(sorry about caps) to you, you are my Hero man now i can (f a p) say that's my girl hahaa... She's much better now lovely... Now the 1,000,00,0 question...Can I drop my request to you for Halloween/Cosplay? Will you accept and draw even if it contains high-heel-shoes-tan fetishes(not that I'm saying I'll include them on my request)? I'm asking because I guess you are a good guy man and I don't want to start a fight between member-artist or member-friend (if you want...
    ) and stop subscribing or to drop my request here for you, because after what happend to my friends I'm more awared about on which sites I spend my cash plus I don't wanna keep comming back here to bother you with ''Where's my request Aidan?'' because you ignored my request/s thanks to the trolls do you feel me? So BEFORE that happend I'm asking your permission^^. PS: It's none of my business just saying what my friend told me (not that I AM ASKING for his request) but don't count with 'mewtwo' support for sailormoonpixxx anymore :(.
    18 Sep 2015 00:52
  • Urameshi: Hello Aidan long time isn't? i'm sorry to be bothering you with that but by seeing that comment and link i believe you missed some stuff on my request as well and i deeply appreciate if you could back to that one and please fix. I checked the 'queue list' and i noted you missed some stuff i asked for Pluto are you able to fix it as i requested please? the description still on 'queue list'(just check there) and if I am not mistake i have a comment around here somewhere where i asked for you t...
    o show breasts for the blue dress girl(forgot the name sorry). I bought a new membership some time ago and i can drop my request for you cosplay/hallowen. If you can edit my request i may gratify you later for that just let me know okay? Thank you
    17 Sep 2015 21:55
  • Aidan: http://sailormoonpixxx.com/black-moons-celebration-ritual/
    17 Sep 2015 19:28
  • UzumakiFan: Plus feel free to delete this comment if you want that's how you act with members you don't like :)
    17 Sep 2015 18:57
  • UzumakiFan: I would gladly drop a request for you to Halloween but I ain't dropping any request here untill you fix my request with Pertz(that so far wasn't fixed). No offence.
    17 Sep 2015 18:56