Home Artists Aidan Sailor Mars - Soldier of War and Passion

Sailor Mars - Soldier of War and Passion

Tags: Hentai, Pixxx, Nude, Rei Hino, Boobs, Sailor Mars, Pin Up, Sexy, Tits,

22 April 2015
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  • meiterumilover23: nice
    11 May 2015 00:32
  • sailormoonpixxx: <strong>we allow this version of Chibi-usa https://36.media.tumblr.com/2c44ab8a0b87767f47ebdc0bd1087a26/tumblr_msf8e2zEEC1rjiusoo4_500.jpg, and for your other question, at the moment, we are not allowed to publish any form of beastiality (tentacles, monster, etc) Although there are some few exceptions (if the beast looks more human than its monster form)</strong>
    28 Apr 2015 00:50
  • spike1941: The proportions of the body of the girl are perfect, nice work man!
    25 Apr 2015 11:50
  • Celto: When it comes to drawing a character , it shouldn't matter if they're underage or not. Just do what all the other Pixxx artists do and draw them in a more mature and adult version. Just drawing the 5 main girls will get VERY boring within a few weeks, so maybe draw some of the female villains if you have time?
    23 Apr 2015 15:44
  • Willow: So Chibi-usa going appears here too, Bestiality don't allow here but how about demons monsters tentacles and others typical things from SailorMoon world?
    23 Apr 2015 15:29
  • Willow: Well I was very surprised that in the suggestion list haven't any way to ask request for some civilian characters like Naru others classmates their sensei and mothers
    23 Apr 2015 15:29
  • Blackey: In my opinion, there should be an "Other" option in the suggestion box If someone want to request about a character that isn't on the list, he can select this option and explain which character he want in the description, it would be a bit more organised, I think Oh, and nice art, as always !
    23 Apr 2015 15:01
  • sailormoonpixxx: <strong>Yes I will draw any Sailor Moon Characters that have appeared in the series soon, though artist is not allow to draw underage characters, so I have to age them*, and we also don't allow bestiality</strong>
    23 Apr 2015 14:48
  • WakeUpKiva: Rei is so my #1 favorite Sailor chick
    23 Apr 2015 01:04
  • Celto: Aside from the main 5 Sailor Girls, will you draw any of the other female characters that have appeared in any of the Sailor Moon animes?
    22 Apr 2015 19:22